Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I have just finished working 10 days with a lovely, warm and hospitable family from Argentina. Mum was totally motivated to breastfeed and was "in it for the long haul!". After having breast surgery it was going to be touch and go if she could breast feed. When baby lost too much weight she had to start pumping with a breast pump and supplementing with formula milk. We tried everything from Fenegriek capsules, ( a galactogue) to warmth, massage, frequent pumping, breastfeeding tea and relaxation. Finally we turned to Domperidone which has the side effect of stimulating the hormone Prolactin which increases milk production. We went from 20 cc's to 65 cc's pumped. The baby increased in weight and was today well over his birthweight. Meanwhile I was treated to Argentines cake and other home-made food baked by grandma!! After 10 days there is still not enough breast milk production for a full feed but baby feeds on the breast( very slow) and mum is determined to keep going with the Domperidone. Watch this space for further news..........! Never give up and take one feed at a time, this way you are giving your very best to your baby. I am proud of you mum and all mums who just keep going for their babies. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/graphics/maps/large/ar-map.gif